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    Fight the fade & maintain your color!

    If you invest in your color the last thing you want, from the products you use, is the dreaded FADE We're breaking down the magic within our formulas to give you major, color confidence. 


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    Our fave Hair Icons!

    We're obsessed with all things hair, especially the hairstyles that defined the most popular looks of the past decades. We're breaking down which fave4 hair products you need to get modern versions of our fave iconic styles.

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    10 Best Homecoming Hairstyles

    Find the perfect hairstyle to go with your Homecoming vibe. From braids, beautiful cascading styles and romantic ponytails we're showing the 10 best hairstyles to serve as major Hoco inspo. Grab your fave4 Hairsprays and get styling!

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    Making the Product: Smooth For Sure

    Making the Product: Smooth For Sure

    Upgrades: new phones, first class flights, app features (hello hilarious Snapchat face lenses), the latest security gadgets. All stuff we looooove and technology is to thank for each of them. Call us crazy, but every once in a while even us fave4 girls go a little tech-y and it shows up in your favorite products.

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